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Thanks so much for considering to contribute to the Ops in Dev newsletter! :)

Share a URL and item

There are multiple ways to suggest news, articles, blog posts, ideas, etc. for the newsletter.

You can also inspect the source code in the project and fork it to create a merge request suggesting your changes for the next newsletter. Please follow the instructions below.

Submit a merge request with your suggestion

Fork the project and start editing the docs/ file which contains the draft for the next newsletter issue. It is a living draft, and will be rotated on the next publishing date.

Note: If the file is empty, or misses a heading for structure, feel free to tag @dnsmichi and propose the change in the merge request too.

Acceptance Policy

Please note that the newsletter should be a free learning resource, and not a product / marketing pitch.

There is no guarantee that MRs, issues and suggestions are going to be included in the next newsletter. If you have concerns, please tag @dnsmichi in the comments, or reach out in private.


The newsletter is built with 2 platforms.

The benefit is that one can develop the newsletter content with live previews in Gitpod, and publish the newsletter using the buttondown API later automatically with CI/CD. Following the thought, if you want to contribute, you can fork the repository and open it in Gitpod or a local environment with MkDocs to write the updates, and send the MR directly. MR reviews, approvals and merges happen iteratively. When the publishing time arrives, the content from docs/ is copied into the docs/ file.

Shoutout and kudos to Michael Hausenblas who created the idea with and was so kind to share MkDocs and buttondown scripts and configuration to learn from!

Preview in MkDocs

This project uses MkDocs with the Material theme. In order to render a preview, use the following options.

If you are using a tablet or mobile, we recommend to use Gitpod in your browser.


Open the project or your fork and change the selector from Web IDE to Gitpod.

Alternatively, use


Install Docker and run the container with port-forwarding to localhost:8000. The source directory is mapped into the container.

$ docker run --rm -it -p 8000:8000 -v ${PWD}:/docs squidfunk/mkdocs-material`

Local source environment

Install Python 3.9+ and pip, for example with Homebrew on macOS.

$ brew install python requires MkDocs themes and plugins which are defined in requirements.txt. Install them with the following command:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Depending on your environment, the pip command is called pip3.

You can run MkDocs with the following command:

$ mkdocs serve

More verbose output for debugging:

$ mkdocs serve -v

Static Build

$ docker run --rm -it -p 8000:8000 -v ${PWD}:/docs squidfunk/mkdocs-material build

Project layout

mkdocs.yml    # The configuration file.
docs/  # The documentation homepage.
    ...       # Other markdown pages, images and other files.

Newsletter Publishing Process


  • Create/Update docs/ with the template from docs/
    • Optional: Add content to docs/
  • Create a MR for the next newsletter issue
  • Merge the MR to allow contributions
  • Add content in follow-up MRs to docs/

Social Preview

Embed an image, e.g. from a YouTube video. This will be taken for social preview rendering.

[![GitLab Agent for Kubernetes Go Profiling](](


TODO: Create a script for publishing.

  • Move content from docs/ to docs/archive/
  • Commit the changes from CI/CD to the GitLab repository


  • Schedule the newsletter in Buttondown using the API (TODO), or manual copy paste into


TODO: Automate Twitter/LinkedIn posts. Maybe use Buffer's API to enqueue.

Platform Details

MkDocs with GitLab Pages

  • GitLab Pages domain: (owner @dnsmichi) (Namecheap nameservers)
  • MkDocs with Material theme
    • dnsmichi sponsors MkDocs Material Insiders; this is implemented in the CI/CD configuration
    • If not tokens are detected, the default MkDocs Material theme is used


Disabled after 2024-03.

  • Settings
  • Sending from a custom domain to use a unique sender for better creditibility in the future. This is configured in Namecheap DNS as a reply-catchall and forwards to @dnsmichi's private gmail address, in case someone replies. (TODO: Create a dedicated mailbox in case)
  • RSS feed enabled
  • UTM sources enabled in settings

Owner: @dnsmichi

Publishing Automation

  • Settings > CI/CD > Variables has BUTTONDOWN_API_TOKEN as masked variable key with the Button down API key as value.